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  • C1S stands for "One Side Coated Cover." This style of card is good for writing on the back while having a glossy side for artwork. When uploading your file, please have the first page be which side you want coated. The second page or blank page will be uncoated.

  • Size: 3.5" x 2"

  • When uploading your file, we ask that you please include Bleed. The proper file size should be at least 3.75" x 2.25", knowing that your print will be cut down to 3.5" x 2", which is the standard business card size. Keep text away from the edge, but make sure that artwork and colors reach all the way to the end of the file, if they are meant to be on the edge. If not properly set up, we are not responsible for white showing along the edges, all files will be printed as submitted.

  • + Add files...

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Our LAUNCH! Web Helper application will start shortly. The transfer window will appear shortly and automatically send your file.
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   Windows LAUNCH! Web Helper  Transfer Status Bar
   Mac LAUNCH! Web Helper   Mac LAUNCH! Web Helper  Transfer Status Bar
   Mac LAUNCH! Web Helper  Transfer Status Bar
If the Helper fails to start, try clicking here or download and reinstall.

Once the transfer has started, click 'Close' to add more items or checkout.


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